PPC or Pay Per Click has become an integral part of any digital marketing campaigns in modern times. Especially small business owners might gain a lot from PPC. Most small businesses have a very small budget for marketing. As is the usual norm, they pay more attention on SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, website development, etc.
However, the prestigious magazine Forbes suggests that since it needs to have leads from the very beginning instead of starting with SEO, they must start off with PPC (Google Ad-words campaign). There is a better chance of getting ROI on it. Here are a few reasons why you must consider it to be crucial in your marketing campaign.
PPC is actually a waste of time and money – this myth is behind the less popularity of this method of marketing. The risk attached to it is real though. If you do not pay much attention, in no time your money will go down the drain and you will have no budget for your campaign at all. So, what you need to do is start very slow and keep experimenting to see what is working for you. To know what is working, you would need to measure and find out how you are doing. A full report on the number of footfalls, conversions will give you an idea, if the ads are working or not. If they are not working you would obviously need to change your tactics. In case, you are not too acquainted with AdWords or Facebook Ads, you would need to hire someone who does. An SEO Agency that has the appropriate skill set and offers digital marketing services like PPC campaign management. Once you know what is working for you, keep increasing the budget as long as it is profitable. Find out what your competitors are doing and also spend money on profitable keywords.
Brings more visitors
Whether your site is getting traffic or not plays a very important role in making the business successful. And here we are talking about not just any traffic but the target audience for your product. Typically, most people would think of SEO instantly. Having the right keywords might help bring visitors, but the downside here is that this method takes time to work. Not exactly suitable for small businesses looking for instant success.
Both Google Ad Words and Facebook Ads might play an even bigger role. For Google, you will need to choose specific keywords that will bring up your ad at the top of the search results. For Facebook Ads, the ads will be placed depending on your target audience.
Finds out if your product sells well
PPC is perhaps the best way to find out if your product has a viable market or not. But how? Once your product is ready for launch, start a Google AdWords campaign and based on the first 1,000 visitors, measure the results. It will no doubt cost extra bucks in the very beginning of your launch. On the upside, you will know about the viability of your product and can change it slightly if required.
Content credit: https://www.bizcommunity.com/