How many of us have read rave reviews about certain movies only to find that they are a big yawn when you actually watch it? Or read a really crappy review and found the movie to be full of fun. For me, it happens all the time! And I am told that I am not the only one. In fact, I’m not even a minority. I represent the majority section of movie buffs that have time and again been conned by misleading reviews by people who obviously do not share the same taste as me.
So , by some kind of divine intervention, we started working on a project that is really close to our hearts. A Bollywood portal where we get to rate movies and write our own reviews! We get to react to trailers and get a good idea of what others are saying about the film we might be paying really big bucks for over the weekend.
Needless to say, we put our hearts and souls into the design of the site. The development entailed hours and hours of endless work, sleepless nights by the team and a lot of sweaty palms while testing. But the result has made us extremely proud.
By now if you are curious to know what this ‘project’ is .. Ladies and Gentlemen.. let me introduce you to the most amazing portal to come up in a long long time…
This behavior is so rooted into our psyche.. Slap whom we hate, Clap for those we love! So you get to slap the movies that you didn’t like. Aah.. Imagine the satisfaction of being able to do that.The sweet revenge for conning you into paying for torture! And clap for everything that worked for you- the story, the music, the direction.. Yes!!
Here are the things you can do on Slaps n Claps:
- Overall Junta Rating- Get an idea of what the unbiased junta has to say about the latest releases
- Top Claps/Slaps- Know the most happening and faltu movies of the week
- Read reviews from other people
- Win a critic’s hat
- Check trailers and say if you will watch the movie or no
- Post your reviews on Facebook for everyone to see.
So enough talking- I have already pinned my reviews on Go ahead and check it out!